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Juhana Jauhiainen
Hi, my name is Juhana Jauhiainen
I'm a software developer experienced with React, JavaScript and Python and I write on web development, testing and growing as an software engineer.

Latest posts

I built a Lily58 split keyboard

So about a month ago I took the plunge into the DIY keyboard space and ordered a split keyboard kit called Lily58 kit from In this post I'm going to go over the parts, building process and my current thoughts on the keyboard.

What I really want from AI

GitHub Copilot and other AI tools have provided us with great tools for developing software. But can they help us solve the big problems?

Dynamic aggregation fields in Django

Aggregation is a powerful tool when working with data in Django. With it you can have your database summarize or convert data into the format you need.

How to search files from Azure Blob Storage using Python

Searching for files using index tags is a common use case but the Azure documentation can be quite hard to grasp.

What are template literal types in TypeScript?

Template literal types are a powerful feature of TypeScript that you might not have heard of.

How to implement useMediaQuery hook in React

Media Queries are a CSS feature that can be used to conditionally apply selected styles on an HTML element. Some examples of media queries include checking for the width of the browser window, checking for the media type (print, screen), or checking for dark/light mode preference.