Inspired by some of Jon Gjensets Rust streams and videos I decided to start learning Rust (again!). I've previously read part of the Rust book but never started any projects with it so I didn't retain much of it.
This time I decided I'll go through the book but I'll also create a repository with increasingly difficult practice problems to solve.
So far I've come up with the following list of problems
- Hello World
- Factorial calculation
- Reverse a string
- Count vowels
- Fibonacci sequence
- Next prime from N
- Credit card validator
- Calculator
- Base64 encoder & decoder
- URL encoder
I've completed a few of them already and they can be found at my Github
Some of my solutions are quite hacky but I've decided to ignore that for now. Basically I just want to get to code with Rust because I think I learn most when I'm banging my head to a wall trying to solve a problem 😅
I plan to add to the list of problems until I feel comfortable to start a bigger project with Rust.