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The very basics of React Hooks

Hooks are an React API that were introduced in React 16.8 a little more than a year ago (february 2019). They let you use state in your React components without writing classes.

In this post I'll talk about the useState hook and after reading it you'll have a basic idea how to use it to add state to your functional components.

Let's start with a simple functional component.

import React from "react";
function Cat() {
return (

Here we are simply rendering a cat emoji inside a humble span element.

Now let's add some state using the useState hook!

We want to track how many times the cat has been petted and display a different (😻) emoji based on the petted count.

import React, { useState } from "react";
function Cat() {
const [petted, setPetted] = useState(0);
return (

First I've imported the useState hook.

Then I use it to create a local state variable petted and a function, setPetted which can be used to update the state.

So useState takes a single argument, the initial state, and returns a array of two elements, the state variable and a function for changing the state. The state created with useState will be preserved between renders and if it changes, a new render call will be triggered.

Now we are going to see how we can use setPetted to update our state and change the emoji based on the value of petted.

import React, { useState } from "react";
function Cat() {
const [petted, setPetted] = useState(0);
return (
<span onClick={() => setPetted(petted + 1)}>

Now we have added a onClick event handler which is bound to an arrow function that calls setPetted to change the value of the state variable petted.

So are we done?

Well not yet. We still have to use the value of petted to displaying the correct emoji.

import React, { useState } from "react";
function Cat() {
const [petted, setPetted] = useState(0);
const emoji = petted > 5 ? "😻" : "🐱";
return (
<span onClick={() => setPetted(petted + 1)}>

Here we are using a ternary operator to select which of the two emojis we assign to emoji variable.

Finally we use the emoji variable inside the span element to display the cat emoji.

Here's a codesanbox with the code and some CSS improvements

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