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Memoization in Python

Memoization is a optimization technique frequently used in functional programming. It means storing the result of a computationally intensive function call and returing the cached result when the function is called with the same arguments.

Python 3.2 introduced the functools.lru_cache decorator which enables memoization of function results in Python.

Using lru_cache is simple as we can see from a example taken from the Python documentation

def count_vowels(sentence):
sentence = sentence.casefold()
return sum(sentence.count(vowel) for vowel in 'aeiou')

When calling for ex. count_vowels('Count vowels in this sentence') the result is cached and when you call the function with the same argument the cached result is returned instead of counting the vowels again. This can be a huge performance boost when dealing with big datasets with potentially similar data.

lru_cache has two optional parameters maxsize and typed. maxsize can be used to limit the number of cached results. If typed is set to True the arguments of different types will be cached separately.

In Python 3.8 another decorator functools.cached_property was introduced for memoization of class method values.

Using cached_property is pretty straightforward.

class Example:
def __init__(self, some_numbers):
self._data = some_numbers
def mean(self):
return statistics.mean(self._data)

The result of mean is now cached and calculated only once on the first time the method is called.

To use this optimization technique effectively it's essential to check the cache hits and misses. Without checking how many of the function calls actually use the cache one can't really be sure if any performance has been gained. Luckily Python provides us with the cached_info() function that returns a tuple showing hits, misses, maxsizeand currsize.

def feet_to_meters(feet):
return 0.3048 * feet
>>> list(map(feet_to_meters, [10, 20, 100, 10]))
[3.048, 6.096, 30.48, 3.048]
>>> feet_to_meters.cache_info()
CacheInfo(hits=1, misses=3, maxsize=32, currsize=3)

With these statistics it's much easier to know it the memoization has been an effective optimization.

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